Case Study-Namyang Industry Inc.

wireless case
Namyang Industry Inc.
Company introduction

Namyang Industry Inc. is known as automobile parts manufacturer since 1969.
They are manufacturing steering and brake system which has a direct relation to the drivers and passengers’ lives.
The major products are brake parts such as brake disc, brake drum, and Hub and steering parts such as steering column, intermediate shaft, EPS pars and Rack & Pinion.

Application area
  • Call supervisor when there is an issue with the production line
  • Easy to attend to an issue anywhere
  • Easy to call a Forklift anywhere
  • They were able to call supervisors or technicians wirelessly when there is an issue with the production line using 6 call buttons.

  • We have installed a customized display panel and light bar with siren to notify a call with the consideration of the site scale and its noisy working environment.
  • We have installed a display monitor in the forklift, and enlarged the wireless range using the signal booster in order to be notified of a call anywhere, even while it is on the move. Also, we have used the voltage converter for 220V due to the difference voltage used in the forklift and the display monitor.
Product Components
  • Display [Receiver]: SR-410-SOM (6inch) + Loudspeaker +Light bar X 3ea
    Transmitter [Call button]: ST-500X2 as one set X 50 = 100ea
    Signal Booster: SRT-6000 X 8ea
  • Display [Receiver]: SR-610 X 10ea
    Transmitter [Call button]: ST-500 X 25ea
    Signal Booster: SRT-6000 X 3ea
  • Display [Receiver]: SR-610 X 2ea
    Transmitter [Call button]: ST-500 X 7ea
    Signal Booster: SRT-6000 X 2ea
Business Benefit
  • Improve staff efficiency
  • Improve response time
wireless case
Case Study-Namyang Industry Inc. was last modified: 9월 8th, 2021 by syscall

3 thoughts on “Case Study-Namyang Industry Inc.

  • Case Study-Namyang Industry Inc | Syscall Global

    “” very interesting,Moderator – please read!

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