Case Study-Daktronics – Star Circuits PCB Manufacturing Dpt.

wireless case

Daktronics – Star Circuits PCB Manufacturing Dpt.

Company introduction

Since 1968, Daktronics has been reinventing the way we display. They are the world's industry leader in designing and manufacturing electronic scoreboards, programmable display systems and large screen video displays.

Application area


  • Working in a noisy environment
  • Get in contact with more than one person
  • Split the floor up between line leaders

They have 2 line leaders designated to specific areas. If workers have a problem in their area, they press their button and the corresponding line leader shows up for help.

Product Components
  • Display [Receiver]: SB-600 X 4ea
  • Transmitter [Call button]: ST-500 X 18ea
  • Signal Booster: SRT-6000 X 1ea
Business Benefit
  • It works well in a noisy environment.
  • It allows them to get in contact with more than one person.
  • It allows them to split the floor up between leaders.
  • The ‘CLEAR’ button helps to signify that the issue has been resolved.
Case Study-Daktronics – Star Circuits PCB Manufacturing Dpt. was last modified: 9월 8th, 2021 by syscall

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